Day 16: Something I Miss

greekCoincidentally, today is the perfect day for this post. Today was Bid Day at the University I graduated from. Bid Day is the day when all of the girls who went through recruitment run home to their new sororities.

Before you assume you now know exactly what I’m like: you’re wrong. I am shy, introverted and would always prefer hanging out with my friends at home instead of out at the bar.

That is exactly the reason that I miss my sorority. I found a place in college that I could be exactly myself. Going greek was something I never thought about (no seriously, I forgot sororities existed when I first got to college), but it’s the greatest thing I ever did. I grew out of my shell, put myself out of my comfort zone, and even held leadership roles that have rightfully earned their place on my resumé.

Being greek gave me a version of myself I never thought could exist, and that is why I miss my sorority.

5 thoughts on “Day 16: Something I Miss

  1. Hey girl. Stumbled across your blog today and thought I was leave a comment. I am not in a sorority, but 95 percent of my friends are and the there is no reason for the stereotype. I know it is annoying but most of the girls are super down to earth and are there to have a good time!

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  2. I had the exact same experience as you- not interested in the party scene, only spoke to a handful of people, spent most of my time at home. My collegian years in Alpha Gam allowed me to meet people and actually get to know them! And now as an alumna, I still have a group to spend time with. The stereotypes frustrate me sometimes, but some people will believe what they want to- I know who and what I am!

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