Bucket List

So many people always say “I want to do that one day!” or “that’s on my bucket list” but most of us don’t actually have that list anywhere. It’s simply ideas in our head that we might get around to one day, so in order to hopefully change that I am going to write my list down. I’m expecting this list to grow or change as time goes on, but I’ll keep you updated on what I actually complete!

In no particular order:

  1. Ride in a hot air balloon
  2. Watch the sunrise at the beach on the east coast & then drive to the west coast for the sunset that same day
  3. Climb a waterfall
  4. Play messy twister
  5. Attend a true masquerade ball
  6. Go bungee jumping
  7. Go to Europe (at the moment my top places are London, Paris, Rome and Brussels)
  8. Swim with Dolphins
  9. Go to Australia
  10. Plan my best friend’s wedding
  11. Go zip lining
  12. See a musical on Broadway
  13. Sit front row at a concert
  14. Take a road trip across the country
  15. Spontaneously go on a weekend trip/vacation
  16. Go to a drive in movie
  17. Fall in love
  18. Paint balloon darts (if you don’t know what I mean, watch Princess Diaries immediately)
  19. Go to a music festival (i.e. Bonnaroo or Glastonbury)
  20. Attend the Olympics
  21. Go to Alaska
  22. Make a wish in the Trevi Fountain
  23. Travel to South Africa and go on a safari
  24. Ride a horse on a beach
  25. Visit the 7 wonders of the world
  26. Go on a cruise
  27. See the Grand Canyon
  28. Learn sign language
  29. Ride an elephant or camel (currently can’t decide)
  30. Learn to play a musical instrument

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