Day 19: What Is Love? Baby Don’t Hurt Me

chandler loveToday I’m supposed to write about falling in love for the first time. However, I’ve never been in love.

Of course I’ve had crushes, and really liked people but I’ve never been in love. You know what, I’m okay with that. Not having been in love yet gives me one of the most exciting things of life to look forward to and that’s one of the greatest things I could think of. I cannot wait for the day that I find the person that changes my world.

Day 18: 30 Things About…

Me? Because I guess normally the people doing these are far more interesting than I am so let’s go!

  1. I was born in New York.
  2. I currently live in Florida.
  3. If I could only eat one food for the rest of my life it would be pizza.
  4. I’m 21.
  5. I haven’t played in years but growing up I played clarinet and alto saxophone.
  6. In 5th grade, my school had a steel drum band – and I am proud to say that I was a member of said band.
  7. If I could get up and go anywhere in the world right now, it would be London.
  8. I wear glasses, and it seems like my vision keeps getting worse.
  9. I’ve had 2 surgeries in my life.
  10. When I was around 10, I had to get stitches in my eyelid when it was accidentally cut open (thanks to my brother).
  11. I’ve broken my left ankle twice, and my right ankle once.
  12. I watch at least one episode of Friends every night before bed.
  13. I’m short. Not like “oh I’m 5’4, I’m so short” like 4’11 (on a good day) short.
  14. Bilingual – English and Sarcasm.
  15. One of my favorite people in the world is
  16. I love watching YouTube videos but I’m far too awkward to ever film one.
  17. Eventually I would like to live in New York City.
  18. I was in a sorority in college.
  19. I’m terrified of frogs and lizards.
  20. Through my life I’ve owned 3 dogs and 2 guinea pigs.
  21. I have been watching Big Brother since season 1 and if you haven’t watched it, we can’t truly be friends. #ChillTown
  22. John Mayer will always be my favorite artist.
  23. The best vacation I have ever been on was a cruise through Alaska.
  24. I flew alone for the first time when I was 7.
  25. I’m introverted.
  26. If I could do anything in the world, I would be the Special Events Director of a major non-profit.
  27. I’ve gotten almost every important person in my life addicted to the tv show, Scandal. I’m very proud of it.
  28. College football is my favorite sport to watch.
  29. When I was little I played soccer for one season. I always volunteered to be the goalie so I didn’t have to run. Priorities.
  30. I used to write when I was younger. I never thought I would be a blogger, but I have really been enjoying it so far!

Day 17: Zodiac

horoscopeToday I’m supposed to share about my zodiac sign and whether or not it fits me.
I find this description very vague so I’m just going to wing it!

I have an app on my phone, DailyHoroscope (the icon is red with DH on the front) so I’m just going to use today’s horoscope and see if it’s relevant! Continue reading