Day 16: Something I Miss

greekCoincidentally, today is the perfect day for this post. Today was Bid Day at the University I graduated from. Bid Day is the day when all of the girls who went through recruitment run home to their new sororities.

Before you assume you now know exactly what I’m like: you’re wrong. I am shy, introverted and would always prefer hanging out with my friends at home instead of out at the bar. Continue reading

Day 15: My Day

So apparently I’m supposed to bullet point my exciting and thrilling day (sarcasm) so here we go!

  • Woke Up – I don’t remember the time
  • Ate Breakfast – Cereal because I’m unpredictable
  • Took A Shower – yay hygiene!
  • Applied For Jobs – because it’s apparently something you have to do to earn money?
  • Took My Mom To The Airport – she’s in LA now
  • Hung Out With My Dogs – because it’s the middle of a work day and ya know, applying for jobs…
  • Went Food Shopping – food is essential to life
  • Applied For More Jobs – because I need money to pay for food
  • Picked Up Dinner – still no job, but paying for food; i like to live life on the edge
  • TV – The Big Bang Theory
  • Blog Post – yay!

I know that was enthralling for all of you, so I hope you enjoyed!

Day 14: My Favorite Movies

Now there are many movies that I love, but here are some of the movies I could watch over and over without getting bored!

parenttrapOkay I have a confession to make. I may or may not be one of the worst movie viewers ever. I love movies, but I am seriously slacking on the classics, so please comment any recommendations!
The Parent Trap


August Rush


Pitch Perfect