Day 13: What I’m Excited About

squidwardWhile the future can be scary, for the first time I truly am excited about the future!

I have just graduated college so I’m at the turning point in my life. The job I get determines: where I move to, the people I meet, the relationships I have. Basically, the foundation of my future.

It’s the beginning of the rest of my life, and that’s pretty exciting.

Day 12: What I Appreciate


Here are 5 things that I appreciate in my life! Comment below and tell me yours!

Friends: My favorite people in the world. The people who I can always count on to listen to me vent, or go on and on about something exciting. Everyone’s friends change throughout their lives but I can genuinely say I hope that these friends last a lifetime.

Traveling: I may have the world’s longest travel bucket list, but I am so grateful for all of the places I have gotten to explore so far. I have been to almost every island in the caribbean throughout different cruises and thinking back on those trips are some of my favorite memories. Continue reading

Day 11: What If…

Something I have always thought “what if” about is what if I didn’t move when I was little. I was born in New York and moved away in elementary school. Throughout my life, starting new obstacles, challenges, or adventures I have always wondered what life would be like if we never moved.

If my family didn’t move, would I have been involved in the same clubs as I was in high school? Where would I have gone to college? Would I still be friends with anyone from elementary school? What would life be like?

There are so many questions that I will never get an answer to, but that is my life’s biggest “what if.”