Day 27: Kicking Butt

As easy as it is to write about the things I need to improve upon, I love today’s challenge of writing about something I am currently kicking butt in. 

believeI’ve gone through a lot of stress, hopes being brought up, rejection, and stress these past few months but I have to say I’m still here with my future looking just as bright as before. Right now, I am kicking butt at staying true to who I am. As simple as that sounds, it is such a hard thing to do when it seems like life isn’t working out. I wasn’t ready to give up on four years of work to change my life path, and I am so glad I didn’t because I ended up exactly where I wanted and needed to be.

Day 26: Improvements

Every person on this planet has something they can improve upon. It’s not about disliking a piece of yourself, but realizing that you can always become a better version of yourself.

At this point in my life, the area that I would like to focus on strengthening in my life is enjoying the moment. I am and always have been a futuristic person. I love to make plans, set goals and look ahead to the future but with that comes the reality that I forget to enjoy “right now.”

Sometimes you just need wine, popcorn and advice from Olivia Pope

Day 25: Disney World

Today’s task is to pick a word, google it, choose the 11th image and write about it, so here we go!

If you google “Disney World” here is the 11th image you’ll find. Today’s a pretty fitting day for this because I’m moving to Orlando in about a week, and it’s also Mickey Mouse’s birthday! He’s coincidentally the only mouse I’ll ever agree to hug.