Day 26: Improvements

Every person on this planet has something they can improve upon. It’s not about disliking a piece of yourself, but realizing that you can always become a better version of yourself.

At this point in my life, the area that I would like to focus on strengthening in my life is enjoying the moment. I am and always have been a futuristic person. I love to make plans, set goals and look ahead to the future but with that comes the reality that I forget to enjoy “right now.”

Sometimes you just need wine, popcorn and advice from Olivia Pope

Day 15: My Day

So apparently I’m supposed to bullet point my exciting and thrilling day (sarcasm) so here we go!

  • Woke Up – I don’t remember the time
  • Ate Breakfast – Cereal because I’m unpredictable
  • Took A Shower – yay hygiene!
  • Applied For Jobs – because it’s apparently something you have to do to earn money?
  • Took My Mom To The Airport – she’s in LA now
  • Hung Out With My Dogs – because it’s the middle of a work day and ya know, applying for jobs…
  • Went Food Shopping – food is essential to life
  • Applied For More Jobs – because I need money to pay for food
  • Picked Up Dinner – still no job, but paying for food; i like to live life on the edge
  • TV – The Big Bang Theory
  • Blog Post – yay!

I know that was enthralling for all of you, so I hope you enjoyed!

Day 10: I Feel Strongly About…


There are so many things in my life that I love. My favorite thing about life is that it changes. While change in general terrifies me, it’s getting to experience new things that I enjoy. My passions have changed as I have grown up and every one of them has impacted my life.

Getting to discover these new things has helped me become the person I am today, and I can’t wait to see where I go from here.