Day 16: Something I Miss

greekCoincidentally, today is the perfect day for this post. Today was Bid Day at the University I graduated from. Bid Day is the day when all of the girls who went through recruitment run home to their new sororities.

Before you assume you now know exactly what I’m like: you’re wrong. I am shy, introverted and would always prefer hanging out with my friends at home instead of out at the bar. Continue reading

Day 12: What I Appreciate


Here are 5 things that I appreciate in my life! Comment below and tell me yours!

Friends: My favorite people in the world. The people who I can always count on to listen to me vent, or go on and on about something exciting. Everyone’s friends change throughout their lives but I can genuinely say I hope that these friends last a lifetime.

Traveling: I may have the world’s longest travel bucket list, but I am so grateful for all of the places I have gotten to explore so far. I have been to almost every island in the caribbean throughout different cruises and thinking back on those trips are some of my favorite memories. Continue reading